Friday, July 24, 2009

Habits Of Successful Twitter Users

photo credit: respres

Incorporate these traits, or habits, into your twittering and you'll be sure to be a more popular Twitterer. For an all around better time Tweeting, be quick to follow users exhibiting these traits!

Small Biz Bee suggests promoting other users more than you promote yourself on Twitter. By promoting people other than yourself you create a larger sense of trust in the community you broadcast to.

Since Twitter revolves a lot around conversation, always make sure to join in on the conversation. Contribute to others posts with comments, reply to comments made on your posts, provide helpful tips and suggestions where needed.

Listen before speaking. This is almost like the "think before you speak" concept. Before you start plugging away at the posts and comments, listen to what others have to say first and then contribute where you can.

From Business Opportunities Weblog.

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