Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Open Season: He's not getting caught in this trap

Open Season
December 27, 2009 12:00 AM
Step right up folks and see "The Wild Man" stick his hand in that medieval torture device — the dreaded padded foothold trap. Never before seen by human eyes. Just one thin dime is all its takes to witness this horrific spectacle. Just one thin dime. Will he lose his hand, chopped off at the wrist or will he chew his arm off to get out of the trap? Will he writhe in agony and pain as he dies of gangrene or will he die of starvation, unable to free himself from the evil death trap? If you thought the geek biting the head off a chicken was something to see, you 'aint seen nothin' yet.
Don't settle for imposters. He's the genuine article. The one, the only — Trapped Wild Man. And seein' as the boss ain't around, I'm going to let the first ten people in absolutely free. That's right. Absolutely free! Alright now, no shoving, no pushing, there's plenty of room for everybody. Let the kids come up front where they can see the blood and gore. And the inhumanity! The cruelty! You think you can't bear to watch, but you won't be able to avert the eyes. You can't pull away.
Yes, the humane, padded foothold trap has been fiendishly demonized and sensationalized by animal rights drama queens as a freakish, cruel and torturous device that breaks bones, inflicts deadly damage on any living thing unlucky enough to step in it, is more painful than slamming your fingers in a car door, more powerful than a locomotive and faster than a speeding bullet, but the truth is it's a big pile of horse feathers.
The rubber-jaw foothold trap is a wildlife management tool that is designed with padded jaws to hold a fur-bearer securely and humanely until the trapper arrives, usually within a few hours. Unfortunately, it was outlawed in Massachusetts by ballot referendum in 1996 after well-funded animal rights extremists waged a propaganda-filled campaign filled with misinformation, half-truths and whole lies, misleading the public into believing they were voting to outlaw the old fashioned steel-jaw trap, like the old bear traps.
Should the lawmakers allow scientific wildlife management policy to be snatched from the hands of highly-educated, professional wildlife biologists and left to the whim of voters duped by wailing breast beaters?
Since the humane foothold trap was outlawed coyote populations exploded, with the cunning and often vicious animals terrorizing neighborhoods and people, and killing countless beloved pets and valuable livestock. They are fierce enough to kill adult deer and animals as large as cows. Recently in Canada, a woman was savagely attacked and killed by a pair of the ferocious animals, the second recorded human fatality in modern times, adding proof that they can be dangerous to humans.
Now that the media has been exposing the carnage by coyotes, animal rights extremists are worried that the Legislature could consider reversing the misbegotten ballot referendum and reinstate the use of the humane trap. Let's hope the Legislature does come to its senses in 2010 and reverses the ban so the humane wildlife management tool could be used very effectively once again, especially in areas where hunting is not an option.
In a recent anti-trapping letter to The Standard-Times, the writer implies that the fear of the trap being reinstated is real and could hurt the animal rights movement. She writes, "Here we go again with the call to bring back trapping. Did we forget that the people of Massachusetts voted to ban this cruel and inhumane practice? And it should stay banned — permanently!"
It should stay banned? At the cost of pets, livestock and possible human life and limb?
The writer also falsely claims that getting a limb caught in one of these devices is like slamming your fingers in a car door, but more painful and causes broken bones and other injuries. "For the fortunate animal who gets away, usually by chewing its leg off, it will die of gangrene. For those who can't get away, it will starve to death, get attacked by other animals, or wait on its fate when the trapper returns," she says.
So, are we to believe that an animal that gets away by chewing its leg off is "fortunate" to die slowly of gangrene, rather than be dispatched quickly and humanely by the trapper? Is this a fate that the animal rights movement deems fortunate and humane? And the animals don't starve to death because state law requires trappers to check their traps at least daily. All first-time trappers are also required to attend a trapper education course before being issued a license.
The writer also claims that domestic pets could fall victim to the traps. But the padded foothold trap is adjustable, so that only the weight of the targeted animal will spring the trap. If a trapper is after coyotes, the trap is set so that only an animal the weight of a 35-pound coyote (and heavier) will spring it. A cat or small dog is too light to set it off.
Even in the extremely rare event where a free-roaming cat or dog gets caught in a padded trap, the trapper would simply release it unharmed to scamper or trot its way home. Anyone who allows a cat or dog to roam free puts that pet at greater risk of much more dangerous and deadly fates, such as falling prey to larger, more aggressive free-range pets, coyotes, foxes, fishers, hawks or cars.
In closing, the writer challenges, "If these so-called rubber-jaw traps are painless "» I want to see a trapper put his hand in one. Let's see how much it doesn't hurt."
This outdoor writer is not a trapper, but he is a hunter and conservationist and knowledgeable enough about trapping to accept the challenge and demonstrate that the traps truly are humane and not the heinous devices purported by the animal rights drama queens. So I got a coyote-size rubber-padded trap and went to The Standard-Times office to have the demonstration filmed by S-T videographer Nick Tavares.
Quiet on the set. Take one. Lights, camera and "» action! I set the trap, demonstrated how a small animal can't set it off, then stuck my hand in it and sprung it. Seeing as human finger bones are much smaller than a coyote's leg bone and human skin is much thinner than a tough-skinned coyote, my fingers and hand surely would be broken, mangled and bloodied, so the writer claimed.
It clamped onto my hand and to the surprise (and disappointment maybe?) of the cameraman and a few onlookers (who all asked for their dimes back — hey no refunds) there was no screaming, crying, blood, broken bones or other damage.

It's not nearly as painful as slamming your fingers in a car door and not even as painful as pulling a hair out of your nose. I didn't have the urge to chew my arm off and it's been six days since then and no gangrene has set in and I have not starved to death, debunking the myths and misinformation that they are cruel and inhumane. And while my hand was in the trap nobody said, "let's get him," and came to attack me.
To view the demonstration online, visit and see for yourself. Then stick around for the next show and see JoJo the dog-faced boy. He walks, he talks and he crawls on his belly like the reptile man!


Sunday, December 06, 2009

Clunkers for Bats !

You can get a little more value out of that old car - truck, van, motorcycle, boat or airplane - thats cluttering up your yard. Donate it to Bat Conservation International and they'll use the proceeds to help conserve bats and their habitats around the world.
BCI can accept cars and other vehicles from anywhere in the United States. The vehicle doesn't have to be running; they'll tow it away for free. Vehicles that don't sell at auction are sold for salvage. Bat Conservation gets the profits either way. Call BCI toll-free, at 877-BATS-123. They'll pick up your vehicle and haul it away. You'll receive a receipt for your tax deductible donation.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Animal Lovers Should STOP sending money to Zealots

Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:29 am (PST)

November 12, 2009
Animal lovers should stop sending money to zealots
Rich Landers
The Spokesman-Review

I took a beating in the letters-to-the-editor pages a few weeks ago for
pointing out the threat national-scale animal rights groups pose to the
sports of hunting and fishing.

Now I'm turning the other cheek.

Readers shouldn't assume that the published letters were the only reaction.

Nor should they think the threat these groups pose is limited to hunters
and anglers.

The published letters came mostly from one group of Spokane-area animal
rights activists and Wayne Pacelle, the national figurehead for the
Humane Society of the United States.

But many phone calls and e-mails called for more scrutiny of these
groups and the moral fascism they are trying to impose on society's use
and enjoyment of animals.

One veterinarian pointed out that these groups are clawing their way
through legal and legislative channels toward giving pets individual
rights rather than leaving them designated as the property of their owners.

The vet said that, among other problems, this would have huge
repercussions in the costs of veterinary care and liability.

"Can you imagine the costs of routine pet procedures if we have to run
unnecessary tests and insure ourselves for protection against possible
multimillion-dollar lawsuits?" he said.

One e-mail came from a woman who works with a small-town animal welfare
organization that does the dirty work of caring for the epidemic of
lost, abused or unwanted pets. She thanked me for pointing out that
these local nonprofit animal rescue groups – including the local Humane
Societies that have no connection with the Humane Society of the United
States – are always scrapping for money to do their work.

"I used to donate (to HSUS), years ago, but all the money seemed to go
to mailings with another free key chain and a request for more money,"
she wrote. "I was never sure that my donation was helping homeless animals.

"I now only donate locally, like to the Spokane Humane Society, or to
our organization, where 100 percent of funds are spent on vet care."

This woman, the veterinarian and others asked not to be identified
because they didn't want to endure the crap animal rights groups like to
dish out to dissenters.

Speaking out publicly can start a smear campaign and financial burden
for a pet care professional or local animal charity.

A story in Tuesday's paper detailed how the HSUS, PETA and other animal
rights zealots are trying to prevent the use of animals in veterinary
training and biomedical research.

Medical and veterinary students cannot learn the complexities of
hemorrhage on a computer model. Period.

Scientists who are trying to find cures for diseases and test surgical
procedures and devices are having their lives threatened by the moral

"I'd rather see (animals) euthanized than go to a research facility,"
said Minnesota Animal Rights Coalition president Charlotte Cozzetto.

These are the nuts who are draining millions of dollars from the
checking accounts of little old ladies and others in the uninformed
masses who think they are saving puppies and kittens.

But in most cases, these national groups donate little or nothing back
to the actual care and welfare of those unwanted animals that are
euthanized by the hundreds of thousands every year.

Pacelle smugly wrote The Spokesman-Review to charge me with misinforming
the public about the ramifications of his recent testimony before the
Supreme Court. He said the case had nothing to do with possibly making
hunters and anglers criminals for being filmed or photographed with
their quarry.

What he failed to say was that it was Justices Scalia, Sotomayor and
others in the Supreme Court chambers who were making that association,
not this lowly scribe in Spokane.

He also failed to acknowledge the numbers I shared with readers from the
HSUS tax forms showing that more than half of the $4.8 million the group
raised in one year for its feeble facade of creating wildlife
sanctuaries goes back into mailing and propaganda.

This is the huge difference between sportsmen-supported wildlife
conservation groups and national animal zealot groups.

When you write a check to Ducks Unlimited, the Rocky Mountain Elk
Foundation or The Nature Conservancy, the money goes into preserving
habitat for wildlife survival and human quality of life.

A check written to HSUS largely supports moral fascism.

These zealots must constantly squeal about animal atrocities, because to
be reasonable and effective would curtail the heavy flow of cash into
their pockets.

Contact Rich Landers at 509 459-5508 or


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Liphatech announces the winners of its' "Rodent Rally" at the recent PestWorld

MILWAUKEE, Wis. The fastest mouse took more than the cheese at Liphatech’s second Rodent Rally during PestWorld 2009. The prize was cash, actually.

Liphatech featured its second “Rodent Rally” competition at the industry-wide trade show in Las Vegas. More than 170 competitors took part in 85 timed speed events that rely on radio-controlled mice. The road course, housed in the Liphatech booth, featured various company products as elements of the raceway and as obstacles on the course.

“The Rodent Rally proved to be even more popular in 2009,” said Jim Doll, marketing manager, pest management division, Liphatech. “We had more rally competitors than last year and a corresponding increase in the number of visitors to our booth. It’s a fun, interesting way to introduce people to our product offering. The game essentially teaches people what our products do.”

In addition to drawing a crowd with its race competition, Liphatech displayed its complete rodent control offerings, including soft-bait product FirstStrike. FirstStrike is a 10-gram pouch that provides outstanding palatability for use in bait stations and other applications. The product is designed for flexible dosing use the exact amount of FirstStrike necessary more for heavy infestations, less for maintenance.

Three winners were recognized each day of the show. First-day winners included Sean Horne, Commonwealth, Newport News, Va, first; Mitch Taylor, Capital Pest Services, Raleigh, N.C., second; and Paul Nibarger, Prime Pest Control, Spokane, Wash, third. Second-day winners included Garret Thrasher, Thrasher Termite and Pest Control, Inc., San Diego, first; Scott Pinkerton, Univar, Houston, second; and Tom Bickel, Pioneer Pest Management, St. Louis, third. Third-day winners were Jeff Keller, Arizona Exterminating Co., Phoenix, first; Brad Turner, Lady-Bug Services, Inc., Amarillo, Tex., second; and Shaun Mimick, Paraclipse, Columbus, Neb., third.

Thrasher was the overall course winner with a time of 28.63 seconds. All heat winners took home a Liphatech Rodent Rally cap; first-, second- and third-place winners each day took home $150, $100 and $50 gift cards, respectively.


Record-Breaking Attendance at PestWorld 2009 in Las Vegas!

Attracting more than 3,600 pest management professionals (PMPs), suppliers and distributors, including 545 international delegates from 58 countries and 156 exhibiting companies, the National Pest Management Association's (NPMA) PestWorld 2009 Convention & Exhibition broke attendance records in Las Vegas last month. Additionally, the PMP to exhibitor ratio of three to one exceeded everyone's expectations - resulting in a jammed-packed trade show floor and unprecedented participation at all convention events. The attendance at PestWorld 2009 was a 20 percent increase from 2008, and surpassed the previously held attendance record from PestWorld 2007 in Orlando.

Following a moving video with the song "Stand by Me," Rob Lederer, NPMA's Executive Vice President, stated that the video's message captures what NPMA and PestWorld are really all about - an association that supports an industry, a community of association leaders that give their time to support other members, and a supplier community that continues to invest in our industry and supports the association.

PestWorld 2010, NPMA's 77th annual convention and exhibition, will be held October 20-23 in Honolulu, Hawai’i at the Hawai’i Convention Center.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Maine Trappers Win, Other States Trap Legislation

U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation
801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH  43229
Ph. 614/888-4868 • Fax 614/888-0326
Website: • E-mail:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  November 11, 2009                                                                     Sharon Hayden (614) 888-4868 x 226

Maine Trappers Win Major Court Victory

(Columbus, Ohio) – Trappers in Maine won a major victory as the state's Federal District Court upheld the state's trapping practices and blocked the establishment of a precedent that could be used by anti-hunting and anti-trapping groups nationwide. 

In 2008, the Animal Welfare Institute and the Wildlife Alliance of Maine filed a lawsuit against the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) seeking a permanent injunction that would have essentially prohibited trapping in the state.  The lawsuit claimed that Maine's trapping regulations violated the Endangered Species Act (ESA) because Canada lynx, a threatened species under the ESA, could be incidentally caught in traps causing "irreparable harm" to the population. 

Throughout the case, the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation (USSAF), along with the Maine Trappers' Association, Fur Takers of America, National Trappers' Association, and several individual sportsmen, argued that the anti-trapping plaintiffs had to show that Maine's trapping practices were a threat to the Canada lynx population as a whole.  The plaintiffs insisted that harm to one individual lynx was sufficient for the Court to prohibit trapping in the state. 

On November 10th, Federal District Court Judge John A. Woodcock, Jr. ruled that Maine's trapping practices did not irreparably harm the Canada lynx and denied the injunction sought by the anti-trappers.  Further, the Judge agreed with the state and the USSAF that "irreparable harm" is harm to a species as a whole and not simply one individual member.   

"Although the plaintiffs may appeal the ruling, the Federal Court's decision is a monumental victory for the trappers in Maine and sets an excellent precedent that will make it harder for the antis to misuse the ESA in their attempts to ban hunting and trapping in other states," states USSAF Vice President for Government Affairs Rob Sexton. 

"We knew the evidence was on our side and are thrilled with outcome," said Skip Trask, executive director of the Maine Trappers Association.  "The USSAF's legal assistance was invaluable to the favorable outcome."

Chick Andres, President of the Fur Takers of America commented, "Trappers nationwide should be grateful that the court saw through what the anti's were trying to do."

In 2008 the USSAF's legal arm, the U.S. Sportsmen's Legal Defense Fund, was granted permission to intervene in the lawsuit.  The case came on the heels of similar case, also in Maine, that was settled in late 2007 when the DIFW agreed to restrict trap sizes in areas where Canada lynx exist.

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation protects and defends America's wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to pay for them.  The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation is responsible for public education, legal defense and research.  Its mission is accomplished through several distinct programs coordinated to provide the most complete defense capability possible. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,

Montana Trappers Under Fire

Anti-Trapping Group Pushing 2010 Ballot Issue to Outlaw Trapping on Public Land  6/24/09 

Montana trappers are gearing up for a fight in the wake of efforts by an anti-trapping group to eliminate trapping on public land in the state.
A group called Footloose Montana is working to place an issue on the ballot in 2010 that will outlaw all trapping on public land.  The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance has already begun contacting other organizations to see how we may coordinate to help oppose it.  Those groups include the Montana Trappers Association, the National Trappers Association, and Fur Takers of America.
Though the issue still has a ways to go before making its way onto the ballot, Footloose Montana is actively seeking grassroots supporters and gathering the signatures necessary for it to qualify.
"This initiative sets a terrible precedent," states USSA president and CEO Bud Pidgeon.  "State wildlife managers support trapping and recognize its importance in managing furbearing populations for the benefit of all wildlife as well as protecting the public from outbreaks of diseases.  USSA will work with other in the hunting community to defeat this anti-hunting attack."
NH Anti-Trapping Bill: A Trapping bill has been introduced in N.H. The bill reads LSR2093 Prohibiting the possession or sale of raw skins or carcasses of fur bearing animals. This bill was introduced by Rep Steve Vaillancourt. He introduced a bill in 2007 to prohibit leghold and conibear traps. We Beat him unanimously in 2007 with a strong showing at the hearing and a strong campaign to call all our legislators. We targeted the Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee which heard the bill first. They voted 18-0 to send the bill inexpedient to legislate. Sportsmen are going with the same strategy this year. We expect this bill will be heard in committee in Jan or Feb, 2010. The text on this bill is not yet available.
MA Pro-Trapping Bill: In July House Bill 736 made it over the first BIG HURDLE it made it out of committee, FAVORABLY. This is the first time for a very long time a significant trapping bill has made it out of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, and can help put Massachusetts back on track to responsible wildlife management using the most effective, efficient devices available, with the welfare of the animal as a high priority. This bill will allow the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MDFW) to regulate and allow for use during the established furbearer harvest seasons certain live restraint and "quick kill' devices that adhere to internationally developed "Best Management Practices (BMPs).  These BMPs have been developed through a scientific process involving years of field and laboratory testing under the auspices of the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA).The Original bill HB736 "Protecting our Natural Resources" (NOW HB4172), currently in the House Ways and Means Committee, has been amended to a point where it will not effectively, proactively address beaver, fox or coyote population management and aid in the reduction, or provide a timely proper reaction to wildlife attack. The amended bill is a simply a bureaucratic nightmare and continuation of unreasonable restrictions. Herb Bergquist resides in Shelburne, MA and is president of a new conservation organization here in Massachusetts called the "Committee for Responsible Wildlife Management". As a group, we are extremely concerned about the rising incidence of animal/human conflicts and attacks going on across the Commonwealth.   Ever since 1996, when the Question One Ballot Initiative took away the ability to proactively manage our wildlife populations using the most effective devices available; beaver, coyote, fox and raccoon populations have increased dramatically... creating the foundation for much of the issues we are seeing today. The bottom line is that the current trapping laws are excessively restrictive and do not allow for the use of the most advanced, effective, and safe devices by licensed and trained individuals. CCS urges ALL MA sportsmen to visit this website and communicate with legislators in support of the original bill.  

Local Sportsmen Representative Needed to Help the Fight           11/4/09

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) fights daily for your rights to enjoy the outdoors.  Of course, we can't and have not accomplished this alone.  We have been blessed with a legion of volunteers who have stepped to the plate to fight for their rights.  As the threats to our heritage mount, so is our need for help.
That is why we are looking for new field volunteers to represent us at the local level. These volunteers are called Local Field Directors (LFD) and experience is not needed, just a strong desire to represent the outdoor lifestyle. 
LFDs work to promote the USSA in their local areas and states. Beyond getting their expenses covered and a small stipend, LFDs represent the front line in our fights and in our efforts to bring new sportsmen into the field.  They conduct club visits, help to rally sportsmen when major issues come up, work booths at local shows and fairs and assist with other local USSA projects. 
The LFD program also plays a key role in the coordination of Trailblazer Adventure Day programs around the country. Trailblazer has introduced over 900,000 youth and their families to an outdoor lifestyle of shooting, hunting, fishing and trapping since launching in 2001.
LFDs who meet criteria will be invited to a national training meeting to be held in early 2010.
If you want to get on the front lines to promote and defend our heritage, The USSA needs YOUR help.  For more information, contact Frank Price at or call 614-888-4868 x 202.
Help keep America's Outdoor Heritage alive!


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Attendees Show Up in Impressive Numbers

Despite a still recovering economy and market uncertainties, pest management professionals turned out in large numbers for PestWorld 2009, held last week at the Venetian Palazzo in Las Vegas. NPMA Executive Vice President Rob Lederer (left) said PestWorld pre-registration was up more than 15 percent over last year.

Monday, October 19, 2009

NYSWMA Announces 2010 Seminar

The New York State Wildlife Management Association has announced the date of their 2010 Seminar being held in Owego, NY. It is February 27th, 2010, so mark your calendars, it is being held at the Treadway Inn as it has been for the past several years. This has always been a quality show with excellent speakers and is very well attended. The Treadway has nice accomodations and the food is excellent. WCS has been attending this seminar as a vendor since it was moved from Carrier Circle in Syracuse and it is a "Do Not Miss" event for us. For more information on the seminar or to sign up, please visit:

Monday, October 05, 2009

New Guinea Walking Stick

While recently attending the University of Kentucky Short Course in Lexington, KY one of the entomology students came around the exhibit area with a "very cool bug" a New Guinea Walking Stick seen here.

We also had the good fortune of being located just across from Pete Grasso from Pest Management Professional magazine and he was able to take some video of the "bug" ! See it here on Pete's Blog:

Friday, October 02, 2009

2007 - 2008 Wildlife Services Publication Award

Hello and Congratulations,

In the following information, you will see that Huot Bergman publication was selected as an award winning publication by the Wildlife Services program for 2007-2008.  I would like to personnally thank each of you for your hard work and dedication to seeing the publication through to the end.  This was truly a joint publication and Bob you were definitely a big part of the authorship.

Again, congratulations and thank you,


----- Forwarded by David L Bergman/AZ/APHIS/USDA on 09/29/2009 12:49 PM -----

                                                                                                     September 29, 2009

TO:                Wildlife Services Employees

FROM:        William H. Clay                
                Deputy Administrator

I am pleased to announce the selection of the 2007 – 2008 WS Publication Award winners.  Many outstanding
papers were received and considered by the WS Publication Awards Committee.  The breadth of the publications
subject matter and collaboration of operations and research staff continues to forward the WS mission of leadership
in managing problems caused by wildlife.  In accordance with WS Directive 4.410, three papers were selected for the
WS Recognition of Publication Award.

First place was awarded to Mark Collinge for his authorship of:  Collinge, M. 2008.  Relative risk of predation
on livestock posed by individual wolves, black bears, mountain lions, and coyotes, in Idaho.  Proc. 23rd Vertebr.
Pest Conf.  129-133.

Second place was awarded to David Bergman for his authorship of:  Huot, A. A., and D. L. Bergman.  2007.  
Suitable and effective coyote control tools for the urban/suburban setting.  Proc. 12th Wildlf. Damage Mgmt.
Conf. 312-322.

Third place was awarded to Ed Hartin and Tyler Campbell for their authorship of:  Hartin, R. E., M. R. Ryan,
and T. A. Campbell.  2007.  Distribution and disease prevalence of feral hogs in Missouri.  Human-Wildlife
Conflicts 1(2): 186-191.

I would like to congratulate the authors for their outstanding work and to thank all those who submitted publications.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Beaver Conflicts in Massachusetts: Letter to Legislators

Dear Senator Moore and Representative Fernandes,

This has been an eventful year in regards to beaver, coyote, fox and raccoon conflicts for the citizens of Massachusetts....  Many of the the towns that fall within your districts have experienced problems that include attacks on people, farm animals and pets, flooding of property and roads, and threats to public water wells resulting from beaver dam breaks or beaver pond expansions.  This summer a serious Beaver related flooding incident in Milford occurred and in Boylston, rabid foxes attacked multiple residents causing bodily injury - just to name a few.  These situations affecting people, municipalities and state budgets in a time when existing dollars are already being stretched beyond the breaking point.  The city of Gloucester MA is still dealing with the aftermath of contaminated reservoirs from mid August literally costing the city, people and businesses 100's of thousands of dollars.  The likely culprit? Beaver pond sediment.  The good news here is there is a simple, positive solution to changing this costly path we are on and one that the legislature can act on now.

My name is Herb Bergquist residing in Shelburne, MA and president of a new conservation organization here in Massachusetts called the "Committee for Responsible Wildlife Management".  As a group, we are extremely concerned about the rising incidence of animal/human conflicts and attacks going on across the Commonwealth.   Ever since 1996, when the Question One Ballot Initiative took away the ability to proactively manage our wildlife populations using the most effective devices available; beaver, coyote, fox and raccoon populations have increased dramatically... creating the foundation for much of the issues we are seeing today.  The bottom line is that the current trapping laws are excessively restrictive and do not allow for the use of the most advanced, effective, and safe devices by the MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.

Original bill HB736 "Protecting our Natural Resources" (NOW HB4172) has recently been reported out of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, and can help put Massachusetts back on track to responsible wildlife management using the most effective, efficient  devices available by our DFW, with the welfare of the animal as a high priority. It is currently in the House Ways and Means Committee.   However, it has been amended to a point where it will not effectively, proactively address beaver, fox or coyote population management and aid in the reduction, or provide a timely proper reaction to wildlife attacks like the recent one in your district.

With your help we can make significant changes in the current law - Voice your support for meaningful amendments to HB4172 that will address the concerns of your constituents.  Please contact the original sponsors of this important bill to find out how you can help.  Conflicts like the ones your constituents are experiencing are not isolated incidences and they can be avoided in the future if appropriate modifications to the current trapping laws are made. This is a statewide issue that will take an appropriate, legislative response.  A response that reflects a responsible approach to managing wildlife with the best tools available.  Please assist us in getting our Division of Fish & Wildlife professionals the critical tools they need to do their job responsibly, proactively and ethically.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more and check out our website at:  There is a wealth of information on this site concerning proper management of our wildlife.


Herb Bergquist - Committee for Responsible Wildlife Management

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Disinfect with Nisus DSV

Flu Could Infect Half of USA
90,000 Deaths, 2 Million Patients Possible
-USA Today,Aug. 25, 2009

The media loves to sensationalize !
Never mind that swine flu appears to be less virulent than normal flu. And if you read the article, the actual estimate is 30,000 to 90,000. In fact, nowhere did the article mention that currently more than 30,000 people die from regular influenza every year in the USA. But the media influences our customers, and more and more and more companies are taking steps to slow the spread on influenza - and that's a good thing !

Be Part of the solution:
Disinfect with Nisus DSV:

Nisus DSV is a disinfectant, sanitizer and virucide that allows you to provide sanitizing service to residential and commercial accounts. DSV meets AOAC efficacy standards for hard surface non-food contact sanitizers. DSV is effective against bacteria including E-coli, Staph, Salmonella, and Strep, as well as viruses including HIV, Influenza, Hantavirus, Avian Flu, and Hepatitis B & C. In fact, DSV can be used against all type A influenza viruses, which include the H1N1 virus (swine flu).

DSV can also be sold directly to your residential and commercial customers for use in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants and 245 other locations.

One Gallon of DSV makes 64 gallons of solution.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Letter from Senator Chris Dodd on Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill

August 10, 2009
Mr. Robert Crook
408 Copse Rd
Madison, Connecticut 06443

Dear Mr. Crook:
Thank you for contacting me regarding concealed-carry reciprocity legislation. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

I understand your concerns regarding gun control. I recognize that responsible gun ownership has long been part of America's heritage. However, I also firmly believe that it is the obligation of government to pursue responsible policies that protect innocent Americans, particularly children, from gun violence. In my view, far too many people are killed or seriously injured by guns each year. Data from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control indicate that in 2006, there were 30,896 deaths resulting from gun-related incidents, including 4,064 deaths of persons who were under the age of 21 and 185 deaths of children under 12 years of age. Throughout my career in public service, I have chosen to support gun safety legislation that balances the need to keep our communities safe with the legitimate interests of law-abiding gun owners.

As you know, during Senate consideration of S. 1390, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, Senator John Thune (R-SD) offered an amendment that would have allowed individuals who are licensed to carry concealed firearms in their own states to do so in other states where this practice is legal. Ultimately, this amendment failed to garner the three-fifths majority it needed to pass. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind should similar legislation be considered by the full Senate in the future. [He voted against it, lost by two votes.]

Thank you again for contacting me. If you would like to stay in touch with me on this and other issues of importance, please visit my website at and subscribe to receive my regular e-mail issue alerts. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I may be of assistance to you in any way.

United States Senator

Saturday, August 08, 2009

NEW CT Hunting & Trapping Regulations

On Wednesday, July 29, 2009, the Legislature's Regulations Review Committee approved the DEP regulations package affecting hunting, trapping and falconry. The regulations will be effective upon filing with the Secretary of the State.

As a reminder, the new regulations will:
1) Eliminate the interview process for physically disabled persons to obtain a crossbow permit;
2) Eliminate orange requirements for bowhunting on state lands that are designated as archery-only;
3) Allow crossbows on private lands in Deer Management Zones 11 and 12 during the January season;
4) Remove the 3 shell limit for hunters during the September goose season;
5) Eliminate the season bag limit on beaver and extend the trapping season to March 31;
6) Move the fisher trapping season to December and increase the season bag limit from 2 to 4;
7) Move the spring turkey season forward by one week to start on the last Wednesday in April;
8) End the spring turkey season on the last Saturday in May;
9) Allow spring turkey hunters to obtain both a state land and private land permit;
10) Establish a second junior turkey hunting training day and extend the hunting hours on junior turkey hunting training days to 5:00pm;

11) Extend the private land muzzleloader deer season to the end of December;
12) Create a second junior deer hunting training day;
13) Allow deer hunters on private land to use a bow during the shotgun/rifle season;
14) Accommodate automated licensing regarding the tagging of deer and turkey and methods of reporting harvest; and
15) Amend the falconry regulations to redefine hybrid raptors the same way that the federal laws do, to change the permit duration and reporting requirements to a June-July calendar year, and to change the fee for a non-resident falconry permit from $75.00 to $14.00 annually.

Monday, July 27, 2009

EarthCare Kills Dead Rodent Smells

If you are like most Pest Control Operators, you want to be able to use an odor control product that will work on everything.  The EarthCare Bags are a proven system for eliminating odors of all types.  Don't take our word for it - watch what this Professional Pest Control Operator from Iceland has to say.
Click on the link or video below.  When your done learn what other have to say at the end of this email.

Over the past 17 years, EarthCare Products have solved thousands of odor challenges from dead rodents to skunks to nasty urine odors.
Pest Control Operators having tried many other solutions in the past without success are elated after trying EarthCare with the results they've achieved. 

Friday, July 24, 2009

Habits Of Successful Twitter Users

photo credit: respres

Incorporate these traits, or habits, into your twittering and you'll be sure to be a more popular Twitterer. For an all around better time Tweeting, be quick to follow users exhibiting these traits!

Small Biz Bee suggests promoting other users more than you promote yourself on Twitter. By promoting people other than yourself you create a larger sense of trust in the community you broadcast to.

Since Twitter revolves a lot around conversation, always make sure to join in on the conversation. Contribute to others posts with comments, reply to comments made on your posts, provide helpful tips and suggestions where needed.

Listen before speaking. This is almost like the "think before you speak" concept. Before you start plugging away at the posts and comments, listen to what others have to say first and then contribute where you can.

From Business Opportunities Weblog.

This article was sent using my Viigo.
For a free download, go to

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, July 20, 2009

WCS Now Offers "Green" Snake Fence

EAST GRANBY, Conn. — Ideal for preventing snakes from entering protected areas, the Snake Fence acts as a deterrent and trap at the same time. While shielding snakes from your garden, patio, pool, or even where children might play, the snake that tries to crawl through the Snake Fence will be caught in the mesh. Designed to blend into landscapes, the Snake Fence is extremely durable, requires minimum maintenance, and can be used in various terrain.

There are three different models for the Snake Fence. Each model is 12 inches tall and is offered in either 10 or 25 foot sections. Each model is designed for different snakes, and the dimensions of the mesh are as follows:
Copperhead Snake: ¾ inch mesh; will also hold large water snakes, black snakes, corn & milk snakes. Coral Snake: ¼ inch mesh; also for garter snakes and all smaller sized snakes. Rattlesnake: ¾ x 1 ½ inch mesh; meant for larger snakes.

The Snake Fence comes with everything you need for easy and effective installation: stakes, ground staples, and zip ties. The Snake Fence can be used in various terrain, including uneven ground. If there are roots or rocks where you want to install the Snake Fence simply secure the netting on both sides of the obstacle with the ground staples provided. Other than securing the netting to the ground using the ground staples, the only other installation required is hammering the stakes into the ground. If using two pieces of Snake Fence, zip ties are provided to link the two together. The Snake Fence is an environment friendly means of keeping snakes out of an area and catching those which pose a threat to your safety or property.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

WCS and KB Mfg. Acquire the CDR Trap Co.

WCS and KB Mfg. are pleased to announce that they have completed their acquisition of the CDR Trap. Co. Originally based in Ohio, the manufacturing will now be moved to New York where the traps and "Terminator" stainless steel triggers will be produced. Both WCS and KB Mfg. wanted to keep the "Best Beaver Trap on the Market" being produced in the U.S. Stay tuned for more exciting products already on the drawing board !

Monday, July 06, 2009


Visit us on our new Facebook site. WCS is excited to be part of the ever-growing social networking environment. Visit us here and add yourself as a fan !

WCS Upgrades to the Highest Level Website Security certificate

WCS has completed their upgrade to the Highest Level security certificate available for online enterprises

Comodo Introduces EV SSL Certificates - delivering identity and trust assurance through "extended validation" SSL certificates

What are EV SSL Certificates?

Extended Validation SSL Certificates are the next generation of SSL certificate. These certificates are meant to combat emerging online threats that continue to erode trust online. Specifically, these certificates will provide a new way for merchants to prove that their site has been verified as an authenticated business. This way your customers will know you are for real and not a phishing site.

All major browsers (e.g. Microsoft, Opera etc) are integrating new displays providing new way for consumers to see a distinct difference between these new EV certificates that confirm a site's identity and non-vetted sites. Users will see a green color change to your site identity indicating that that this site that has been issued an EV SSL certificate.

Here is how IE 7.0 will distinguish between verified sites and phishing sites in 2007

Fig 1, IE7 address bar for a known phishing website detected by the Phishing Filter

Fig 2, IE7 address bar for a site with an EV SSL certificate (showing the identity of the site from the SSL certificate)

Why is this important?

Trust is a business imperative that translates into revenue. And these new EV SSL certificates are one of the biggest improvements in your ability to create trust online because users can get browser confirmation of your identity. Comodo was the lead initiator of the CA/B Forum (Certification Authorities and Browsers), an industry group creating the guidelines for the stringent new security standards for SSL certificates. Other members of the CA/B Forum include leading international certification authorities, the major browser providers (including Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, and Konqueror), as well as the American Bar Association Information Security Committee.

For the first time, EV will provide a uniform vetting standard for all certification authorities so that consumers will be able to make reliable risk assessment decisions about which online merchants to do business with.

And that's why WCS wanted to assure their customers that we take their security when performing online transactions seriously.

  • "Domain only" certificates, also known as "low assurance" certificates, only verify domain ownership. These are certificates most often sold by GeoTrust and GoDaddy. Unfortunately, these certificates provide virtually no identity assurance whatsoever since domain purchasing requires no identity verification.
  • "High Assurance" certificates refer to certificates that include identity validation from a Certification Authority using currently established and accepted vetting processes. These SSL certificates are seen as significantly superior to domain only SSL certificates because users can trust that an objective third party - a certification authority, has verified the identity of the website.
  • "Extended Validation" (EV) SSL certificates are the newest option for eMerchants as these SSL certificates require the most stringent verification processes as outlined in the guidelines developed by CA/B Forum. The advantage of these the next generation high assurance SSL certificates is that these certificates work with the new security browsers to include a new visual indicator that confirm the site's identity.

Q: How will EV SSL certificates increase consumer confidence?

A: High profile incidents of fraud and phishing scams have made Internet users very concerned about identity theft. Before they enter sensitive data, they want proof that the website can be trusted and their information will be encrypted. Without it, they might abandon their transaction and do business elsewhere. EV SSL Certificates provide third-party verification using a highly visual display that gives consumers confidence and builds trust in e-commerce.

Q: How is a consumer expected to distinguish between the different type of SSL certificates?

A: The presence of a verifiable High Assurance SSL certificates provides reassurance to consumers. Low assurance certificates, by contrast, are not inherently trusted by browsers and will cause some browsers to display "warning messages" informing the user that the certificate has not been issued to a verifiable entity. Loss of trust equals loss of sales whereas increased trust results in increased sales.

Q: What are the benefits of EV SSL certificates to Web site owners?

A: An EV SSL Certificate helps visitors complete secure transactions with confidence because your site has the "green bar" in IE 7 and your competitor's site does not. You appear to be more trusted and more legitimate. That's a competitive advantage that translates into higher conversion and more revenue. And it's why you are in business.

Q: Why do I need an EV Certificate on my site?

A: Today's fastest growing threat is phishing, where a fraudulent web site impersonates a legitimate business to attract unsuspecting visitors into divulging personal information. The increasing awareness to this problem has caused consumers to not trust buying online.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Montana Trappers In for a Fight

Footloose Montana, an anti-trapping group, has pushed forward an initiative on Montana ballots that would outlaw all trapping on public land in the state.

The Montana Trappers Association has been monitoring the situation for months and President Tom Barnes had this to say in his last T&PC report:
Your board is not sitting back hoping they will just go away. We are working on some things to counteract their actions. This all takes time and money (Serious Money!). This will be an effort by all organizations effected by any such initiative, and believe me there are many that will be effected. We are working toward getting everyone on board to fight this war. I will not go into detail on what we are working on, because who knows who might read this. If you would like to find out more, feel free to give any director or myself a call.
You can contact Tom at 406-683-2791 or

If you'd like to donate to the MTA, visit their donations page. I'm sure they will appreciate any help you can provide.

Here is a draft copy of the Footloose Montana initiative:

Be it enacted by the people of the state of Montana:
    NEW SECTION. Section 1. Short title. [Sections 1 through 3] may be cited as the Montana Trap-Free Public Lands Initiative.
    NEW SECTION. Section 2. Findings. The people of the state of Montana find as follows:

1.    Animal trapping poses significant financial threats to Montana's tourism revenue stream.  An estimated two hundred fifty million to three hundred million dollars per year flow into our state from wildlife watching activities.  The direct loss of wildlife due to trapping, as well as the unfavorable public opinion of such activities, poses a direct threat to this revenue source.

2.    Animal trapping is largely unregulated in Montana.  There are no limits to the number of traps a trapper may set, and thus, no limit to the number of animals taken each year.  No data exist as to the population numbers or overall health of any of the animal species being trapped.  Montana is in danger of decimating its wildlife populations through trapping.

3.    The ethical implications of trapping are very disturbing.  The suffering inflicted upon so many species in the name of recreation and profit is astounding.  The people of Montana have too much respect for the wildlife within their state to allow such activities to continue.

4.    Montana's public lands should be open to all people.  By placing such hazardous and indiscriminate devices on our public lands, the trapping community is putting others, as well as their companion animals, at constant risk.  The people of Montana have a right to recreate on public lands without fear of injury to themselves or their pets from such devices.

Section 3.  Section 87-2-103, MCA is amended to read:

License required.  (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), it is unlawful for a person to:
(a) hunt or trap or attempt to hunt or trap any game animal, any game bird, or any fur-bearing animal or to fish for any fish within this state or possess within this state any game animal, game bird, fur-bearing animal, game fish, or parts of those animals or birds, except as provided by law or as provided by the department; or
(b) hunt or trap or attempt to hunt or trap any game animal, game bird, or fur-bearing animal or fish for any fish, except at the places and during the periods and in the manner defined by law or as defined by the department; or
(c) hunt or trap or attempt to hunt or trap any game animal, game bird, or fur-bearing animal or fish for any fish within this state or possess, sell, purchase, ship, or reship any imported or other fur-bearing animal or parts of fur-bearing animals without first having obtained a proper and valid license or permit from the department to do so; or
(d) trap or attempt to trap predatory animals or nongame wildlife without a license, as prescribed in 87-2-603, if that person is not a resident as defined in 87-2-102; or
(e) trap or attempt to trap wildlife, game, and nongame animals on public lands in Montana except as allowed under 87-2-806 MCA or 87-2-807 MCA.
(2) The provisions of this section do not require a person who accompanies a licensed disabled hunter, as authorized under 87-2-803(4), to be licensed in order to kill or attempt to kill a game animal that has been wounded by a disabled hunter when the disabled hunter is unable to pursue and kill the wounded game animal.  However, the person must meet the qualifications for a license in the person's state of residence.
NEW SECTION.  Section 4.  {standard} This act is effective upon approval by the electorate. 
NEW SECTION. Section 5. Submission to electorate. {standard} This act shall be submitted to the qualified electors of Montana at the general election to be held in November 2010 by printing on the ballot the following:
Statement of Purpose (100 words)
This initiative prohibits trapping of wildlife, game and nongame wildlife, including  furbearers, wolves and predators, by any means on any public lands within the state of Montana, except as allowed for scientific or propagation purposes.
Statements of Implication (25 words)
[]  FOR prohibiting trapping of animals on any public lands within the state of Montana.

[]  AGAINST prohibiting trapping of animals on any public lands within the state of Montana.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wildlife Society Annual Conference - 2009

Join us for The Wildlife Society's 16th Annual Conference taking place September 20-24 in Monterey, California. On opening day at the Plenary session, a panel will discuss "The Use and Abuse of Science in Fish and Wildlife Policy Decisions," a topic that spotlights one of the most significant challenges facing wildlife professionals today. That evening, attendees are invited to enjoy the Opening Reception/Dinner at the acclaimed Monterey Bay Aquarium.
The conference will feature more than 200 concurrent paper presentations as well as posters sessions, half-day and full-day workshops, related field trips, and multiple networking opportunities for wildlife professionals at all career stages. On Monday, September 21, attendees can explore new career possibilities at the Career Fair in the Exhibit Hall from 8 a.m. to noon, then attend the Student-Professional Mixer and Dinner that evening.
TWS Council chose to keep registration fees at the 2008 level for TWS members only. To take advantage of early-bird registration rates, you can register now online, or by downloading the registration form and sending it with payment to The Wildlife Society by fax at 301-530-2471 or by mail to 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814. If you have questions or need assistance, please email or call 301-897-9770 x 315. As for hotel rooms, TWS has arranged for discounted rates at the Portola Hotel adjacent to conference center (rates start at $179 per night) and at the Hyatt Regency Monterey (rates start at $169 per night; use code g-wild).


Monday, June 22, 2009

New Trapping Magazine makes its' Debut !

Announcing Trappers Post, a bi-monthly magazine devoted exclusively to trapping. Published and edited by Bob Noonan. Trapper’s Post will be a bi-monthly magazine of tabloid size (11x12-inch). The first issue will be September/October 2009.
For more information and to subscribe go to:

WCS "Magnum" Gloves Being Used on TV

Ned Bruha, "The Skunk Whisperer" using WCS "Magnum" gloves on TV

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Eastern States Home to 163,000 Black Bear

The Three Bears? Try 163,000 ... and counting
4 days ago
HARLAN, Ky. (AP) Bobby Koger was deer hunting on a Kentucky hillside when a black bear gave him the fright of his life.

A 300-pound animal, apparently unhappy that an intruder was on his turf, came charging and didn't stop until Koger raised his .50 caliber muzzleloading rifle and fired from point-blank range. A hunting companion who witnessed the attack from a distance also shot the bruin, which wheeled, ran a short distance and collapsed.

Conservation officers concluded that they fired in self-defense at a bear that had lost its natural fear of humans.
With black bear populations rising, run-ins have become almost commonplace more than 15,000 in the past year in states east of the Mississippi River according to a survey of state wildlife agencies.

Canadian bear researcher Hank Hristienko, who conducted the survey in January, found that 18 Eastern states were seeing more encounters with bears.

Most encounters involve hungry bears raiding backyard bird feeders or toppling garbage bins, but sometimes they're harrowing. In a 2006 attack, a 210-pound male bear killed a 6-year-old girl and mauled her 2-year-old brother as well as her mother who tried to fend off the animal. The attack occurred during a family outing in Tennessee's Cherokee National Forest.

Some bears have become brazen, dining beneath backyard fruit trees, raiding pet food bowls, even chasing campers. At a park near Prestonsburg, Ky., last year, a bear held tourists at bay inside a cabin until rangers arrived to chase it away.

They have also become road hazards. Wildlife agencies reported more than 1,300 struck by automobiles in 2008.
The U.S. bear population more than doubled between 1989 and 2006, rising from 165,000 to over 350,000, according to The International Association of Bear Research and Management, a bear conservation nonprofit that takes a periodic census of the animals. The Eastern states alone now have about 163,000 bears, according to findings Hristienko released in May.

Biologists with the same group found nearly 20,000 reported conflicts between bears and humans in 37 states in a 2006 survey of state wildlife agencies.

More recently, in the Eastern region alone, 18 states reported an increase in bear-human conflicts over the past year, Hristienko found in his survey of wildlife agencies.

Tennessee reported the largest increase, up from 300 to 1,000 over the past 10 years. That was followed by New York, which went from 587 to 1,127, and New Jersey, which jumped from 691 encounters to 1,117.

Frank van Manen, a U.S. Geological Survey research ecologist and president of the International Association for Bear Research and Management, said it's not that the bears are becoming more aggressive. Instead, he said, bear populations are skyrocketing under state bans or limits on bear hunting.

"What we have seen throughout the eastern United States is quite a phenomenal range expansion of the black bear," van Manen said. "With the range expansion, the likelihood of the encounters is increasing."

Black bears are the most common bear species in the U.S. with measurable populations in most states. Their larger cousin, the grizzly, is limited to the northwestern states and Alaska. They eat just about anything, including meat, but tend to subsist mostly on insects, nuts, berries, acorns and other vegetation.

Stephanie Boyles, a wildlife scientist for the Humane Society of the United States, said 14 people have been killed in attacks by black bears in North America since 2000, including two in Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Cherokee National Forest. Boyles said another 10 people were killed by grizzlies during the period, mostly in Alaska and Canada.

In Kentucky, officials opened a hunting season for bears, a move pushed by the state League of Sportsmen to reinforce the animals' fear of humans.

More than a century ago, bears thrived in Kentucky, but over-hunting and habitat loss led to their disappearance. As the large animals have ventured back from neighboring states, Kentucky residents nowadays find themselves unaccustomed to living among bears.

"You've got bears moving into areas where people live and you've got people moving into areas where bears live," said Mark Ternent, a state bear biologist in Pennsylvania. "Both of those scenarios frequently involve people with little experience living around bears."

Ternent said most of the encounters are harmless, ending with the bears running away.
"The average bear is afraid of people," he said. "If it encounters a person, it would rather flee than fight."
Boyles said people can prevent unwanted bear encounters by doing simple things like putting bird feeders out of reach of the animals, putting trash out only on the day it is to be picked up, and keeping pet food indoors.

Koger, a construction worker, said he has run across lots of bears over the years in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. Most of the time, he said, the bears don't relish the encounters either.

"Usually they want to get away from you as much you want to get away from them," he said.

Friday, June 12, 2009

WCS Unveils New Web Site

Wildlife Control Supplies is happy to announce that on Friday 6/12/09 we go live with a new and improved web store! For the past few months we have been working diligently on the new site in order to better satisfy the needs of our customers and increase the convenience of shopping with us. You can still access us at or

New features like customer selectable searches (e.g. by price, by name, best sellers, arrivals), the latest "new items" will be listed on our home page and more user friendly categories are some of the new enhancements. For those customers who have set-up a login and password on our old site, that login information has been moved to the new site. For customers who have or establish an account with a login and password, order history moving forward will be captured for future reference.

We hope that you find our new site easier to navigate and that your shopping experience is better than ever! As always, we value your feedback. Once online, let us know how you like our new site. We will continue to add enhancements to make shopping with us easier and convenient.

Wildlife Control Supplies!

NPMA Announces PestWorld Keynote Speakers

FAIRFAX, Va. — The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has announced the line-up of keynote speakers for its 76th Annual PestWorld Convention & Exhibition.  

Speakers include Christopher Gardner, the inspiration for the film The Pursuit of Happyness, and Bob Pritchard, a global marketing expert.  

NPMA PestWorld 2009 will be held Oct. 26-29 at The Venetian Palazzo Resort-Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas.

 The PestWorld 2009 program of events and conference registration are now available online at


Thursday, June 11, 2009

50th Annual National Trappers Convention

From July 30 to Aug. 2 in Lima, Ohio, the Allen County Fairgrounds will host the 50th Annual NTA Convention.

Admission is $10 per person for the whole show. Children ages 2 and under are free.

Camping costs $25 with electric/water per day and $10 per day without electric/water. Supply dealers from throughout the United States will be on hand at the convention.

The demonstrator lineup includes Pete Hammond, Eric Space, Dave Linkhart, PDK Snaring, Kirk DeKalb, Art Scott, Bob Best, Dirk Shear, Jeff Robinson, Jeff Squires, Corky Klausing, Clint Locklear, Henry Beecher, FHA, Bob Jameson, Ron Leggett, Rally Hess, Ray McMillen, Butch
Barhorst, Jim Blakley, Tom Parr, Mark Stackhouse, Blackie Baits, John Graham, NAFA, Carl Jones, Hal Sullivan, Nick Bower and Jim Geffert.

A benefit auction, dinner, and dance are part of the annual festivities.

To purchase tickets, send money to National Trappers Association, 2815 Washington Ave., Bedford, Indiana 47421.

For further information, visit or contact Dan Skurski at 231-590-9288 or 231-988-4432 or email at

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Major Upcoming Trapping Events

Tomorrow marks the start of the first of the year's major trapping events. The 2009 Fur Takers of America Rendezvous will be June 11 to 13, Mena, Ark., hosted at the Polk County Fairgrounds.

A little more than a month later, the 50th Annual National Trappers Association Convention takes place in Lima, Ohio. The golden anniversary of the event takes place July 30 to Aug. 2.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Collapsible Turtle Trap by WCS

This fully collapsible turtle trap is made exclusively for WCS and is designed to handle the largest of turtles. The trap when set up measures 30"W x 25"H x 47"L. It has 3 D-Shaped hoops made of spring steel which forms the trap body, this trap won't roll when placed in the water. The hoops are zinik plated which makes them rust-resistant. The net mesh is 2.5" square and is very durable and will give years of service.

The trap comes complete with "spreader" rods to hold the trap in its' rigid set position. It also has a detachable bait bag which hangs in the rear of the trap for ease of setting. If you want to catch turtles and don't want to deal with a cage as large as a refrigerator, this trap is the ticket !

BAITING: This trap is very easy to bait. You take the removeable bait bag (included)out of the trap and fill it with small sun fish, suckers, chicken necks, a piece of beef liver, any type of bloody meat. Then tie the bait bag back into the interior center of the trap. The turtles will smell the bait and enter the trap through the large funnel opening. When using a large number of turtle traps it is handy to fill all your bait bags ahead of time and then place them in the freezer. When it is time to go catch turtles, simply remove your pre-loaded bait bags from the freezer and you are ready to go turtle trapping.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

CT Anti-Trap Legislation - A note from their Treasurer

The CT Legislation Session ended at midnight June 3rd without passing one Bill that would have impacted our right to trap in Connecticut!
 We won this battle due to all of your efforts, perseverance, and vigilance.
 Every letter, email, and phone call to your Representatives and Senators made a difference.
 We have many to thank, from organizations like the NTA and FTA that stayed in constant contact with us, organizations throughout the country who donated to our Legal Defense Fund, to the DEP with their Fiscal Impact documentation, to the CT NWCO organization, to our lobbyst, to Jeff Serena from the Examiner.Com ...
The CTA will thank them all officially.
 We have much more to do now, we cannot sit back on our laurels, we need to compile all of our "lessons learned", determine where we need to enhance our strategies, discuss opportunities to build upon our Legal Defense Fund and build upon our memberships attention to information by the best means possible.
 Once I can enjoy a few days of deep sighs knowing that this is over, I will be sending our new correspondence on upcoming activities that will need your continued support and involvement.
 May your boots stay dry and your plews be prime!
Regards,  Herb

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Vacuums the Pros Use - The Omega GREEN Supreme IPM vacuum by Atrix

    • Omega GREEN Supreme IPM vacuum is made from high impact Starex flame retardant polymer for durability and long life. It comes complete with all accessories shown. It also features over-heat protection.
    • Filtration - HEPA FILTER (99.97% EFFICIENT @ 0.3 MICRON) A self contained HEPA filter cartridge reduces the risk of virus and bacteria dispersion. Most odors are contained. The cartridge filter makes filter changes easy, clean, and safe. Hose ends and filter can easily be sealed to ensure all debris is contained during transportation and storage.
    • Powerful and Quiet - Will capture everything from cockroaches and bed bugs to even hazardous particles.
    • Warranty - 3 year

Monday, June 01, 2009

Elephant farm causes lawmakers to ban(s)

Published: Sunday, May 31, 2009  Associated Press (bold ours)

HARTFORD — The Connecticut General Assembly won't take up a bill this session banning a long list of wild and potentially dangerous animals as pets.
The legislation stems from the February attack on a Stamford resident mauled by a 200-pound chimpanzee.

Rep. Richard Roy, co-chairman of the legislature's Environment Committee, said that the bill is being abandoned because some lawmakers want to protect a family-owned elephant farm in Goshen.

Many state politicians were outraged that potentially dangerous animals were allowed as pets after learning of the chimpanzee attack on Charla Nash, who lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in the assault. But Roy said Goshen-area lawmakers fought the bill.

"It's dead because there's a piece that was put into the bill that would have not allowed the Commerford family to bring in any new elephants in the years ahead, thereby, essentially closing the business down," he said. The farm has several elephants, a petting zoo and a variety of exotic animals, including zebras and camels. Commerford brings the animals to fairs and malls along the East Coast. "The Commerford Farm is a community fixture up in Goshen and it would be sad to see that business have to terminate what it does as it moves into the future," said Rep. Roberta Willis, D-Lakeville.

Even though the legislative session ends on Wednesday, Roy said it won't be brought up because the debate will take up too much time.

Sen. Andrew McDonald, D-Stamford, was surprised by the bill's demise. The legislation has been supported by the Attorney General and the Department of Environmental Protection. The DEP will be hosting an exotic animal amnesty day in July to persuade residents to turn in their illegal and legal exotic pets.

"The legislation is extraordinarily important and I understand that there were concerns expressed by some legislators, but there's certainly no excuse for not coming up with a reasonable compromise that would assure the safety of the people of our state," McDonald said.

Besides the Commerford dispute, the legislation also faced challenges from lawmakers who wanted to propose various amendments, such as grandfathering existing exotic animals to legalizing bow hunting on Sundays.
This bill H.B. No. 6552 (RAISED) ENVIRONMENT. AN ACT BANNING THE POSSESSION OF POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ANIMALS AND THE IMPORTATION, POSSESSION AND LIBERATION OF WILD ANIMALS. Title changed from 'AN ACT BANNING THE SALE OR USE OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE OR SERVICES TO REMOTELY OPERATE WEAPONS TO HUNT ANIMALS OR BIRDS'. CCS opposed the "Computer Hunting" and supported the "Dangerous Animals" bill. Of the 14 amendments, the first two applied to the bill. When it was reported the Senate refused to debate S.B. No. 650 AN ACT CONCERNING THE CREATION OF A TRUST FOR THE CARE OF AN ANIMAL. which had S.B. No. 994 AN ACT CONCERNING LEGHOLD TRAPS attached as an amendment, after the bill failed in Judiciary Committee, the Leghold Trap Amendment was then proposed on the Dangerous Animals bill in the House. Both House and Senate Amendments were sponsored by the Chairmen of Environment Committee REP. ROY, 119th Dist. & SEN. MEYER, 12th Dist. The amendment on the Dangerous Animals bill, we felt, was a direct affront to DEP by placing an amendment which DEP opposed on a bill DEP wrote and supported. This amendment, we believe, effectively killed the "Dangerous Animals" bill when it was proposed. Pro-sportsmen legislators then responded by submitting amendments on Sunday Hunting. Then the anti-hunting frivolous amendments began (extracted from separate amendments): the arrow shall be labeled with the hunter's name and license number.; (a) (1) No person shall carry a pistol, revolver, machine gun, shotgun, rifle or other firearm, which is loaded and from which a shot may be discharged, upon his person (A) while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug, or both, or (B) while the ratio of alcohol in the blood of such person is [ten-hundredths] three-hundredths of one per cent or more of alcohol, by weight. ;  (c) A person hunting on private property pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall ensure that any arrow such person shoots from a bow with a draw weight of not less than forty pounds does not leave such private property.;  and A person hunting on private property pursuant to this subsection shall obtain the written consent of the owner of such private property, or of such owner's authorized agent and from the owners of all private property within a five-mile radius of the property such person intends to hunt on, or from such owners' authorized agents. – All submitted by REP. HORNISH, 62nd Dist. These same amendments with more co-sponsors are also proposed on H.B. No. 6553 AN ACT CONCERNING SUNDAY HUNTING.
The Senate bill was passed without the Trapping amendments, and we agree with Rep. Roy that the "Dangerous Animals" bill will not be addressed. The same can probably be said for the Sunday Hunting bill for the same reasons. However, we will continue to be watchful. Your communications helped tremendously to defeat this and other bills.
Remember, Nothing is ever Dead until the end of the session.
The session ends this Wednesday, June 3, at midnight.

Alan A. Huot, President
Wildlife Control Supplies

P.O. Box 538
East Granby, CT 06026
860-844-0101   860-413-9831 (FAX)
"Products for Professionals"

Friday, May 15, 2009

ICWDM Newsletter

We are pleased to announce the next edition of the ICWDM Newsletter from the University of Nebraska is available for download at

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Unfortunately, it appears that we are a victim of our own success. Your phone calls and e-mails were so successful in blocking Senator Meyer from bringing out any amendments in the Senate that would impact the use of leghold traps that they have decided to try it in the House first. The leghold trap amendment has now been proposed on H.B. No. 6552 AN ACT BANNING THE POSSESSION OF POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ANIMALS AND THE IMPORTATION, POSSESSION AND LIBERATION OF WILD ANIMALS. It had been speculated that they would try to attach it to this bill. It is the same as Sen. Meyer was going to use in the Senate comprising a ban and adopting bureaucratic Massachusetts type legislation. See the MA results at It is unclear when and if action will take place, so immediate action is necessary. Once again we’d ask you to take time out of your day to make calls today and tomorrow. Use the same message as used for the Senate: “I’m calling to oppose any ban on leghold and body gripping traps, could you be transfer to me to Representative ----------.” Call between 10:00am and 3:00pm. Contact the following legislators at the specific number listed. In addition AND contact your own Representative.


Speaker of the House Christopher Donovan

860 240 8500


House Majority Leader Denise Merrill

860 240 8500


Representative Richard Roy

860 240 8500


Representative Brian Hurlburt

860 240 8500


House Minority Leader Larry Cafero

860 240 8700  


You can find your CT legislator at  or in the Blue pages under “Connecticut, State of” then “Legislators”. Also, inform your friends who have an interest. Ask them to communicate.

While we urge you to use your own words, use the KISS principle, and please…do not be insulting or negative towards Any Senator, Representative, or anyone else in the Capitol.  Identify yourself and Town, State your position and why you Support or Oppose the bill. Be Brief, if they have questions they will ask.

Review all current bills and other info at the CCS website